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Clan Forbes Well-represented at 2019 Grandfather Mountain Highland Games

Grandfather Mountain Highland Games are the oldest and largest in the country -- and was featured in the book and video series Outlander. Clan Forbes Society was well-represented by Clan Convener Ron Pearson and his family, along with Society President Bart Forbes. If you have a Facebook account, please see our 2019 Grandfather Mountain Highland Games Photo Album!

The most popular part of the tent was to the large "Castles & Mansion Houses" banner -- which attracted lots of photographs. The Society tent featured the newly-published photo book "Castles & Mansion Houses of the House of Forbes," a notebook of the printed pages of the website, photo of Castle Forbes, hand-out about the 2020 Clan Forbes Ancestral Tour, and -- of course -- Walker's Shortbread cookies!

The Society greeted current, new, and potential members during the three days. Over 20 people signed up for the monthly newsletter and 7 new members joined on the spot! Please welcome Mark Forbes Wray, Mary Forbes Hahn, Patricia Forbes Smith, Lynn Forbes Hales, Richard Meservey, Stacy Workman, and Wendy Grubb. Each received a poster of the "Castles & Mansion Houses" -- and cookies!

Society President Bart Forbes represented the Society at the annual general meeting of the Council of Scottish Clans and Associations (COSCA). John Bellassai, President of COSCA, requested that Bart assist with the organization's strategic planning process.

Bart also met with Honored Guest Madam Arabella Kincaid of Kincaid (Chief of Clan Kincaid), who is also on the Executive Committee of the Standing Council of Scottish Chiefs (SCSC). Bart presented Madam Arabella with a copy of Castles & Mansion Houses of the House of Forbes and enlisted her assistance in including our Clan Chief, Malcolm, Lord Forbes, on the Council. He noted that Malcolm had indicated his interest but had received no follow-up from SCSC. Stay tuned!

The event was tiring but immensely successful -- and great fun! You too can become a Clan Convener -- please download the Clan Convener Guide and the Society will assist you every step of the way.

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