Clan Forbes Society
Renew Your Active Membership: $25
Thank you for your membership in the past year! The Society has accomplished so much because of your financial support.
Please renew your membership for this year so we can continue to serve you and provide more information about our shared heritage. For your membership fee of $25, you will receive your current official Membership Certificate; maintain access to the Members section of the website and the Society’s Facebook Group; stay as a Voting Member for elections and bylaws; and be eligible for positions of leadership within the Society.
To renew or upgrade your membership, please sign on to your MembershipWorks account with the e-mail address associated with your membership.
If this is the first time you are accessing your account, please click the button for "Request Password" and a temporary password will be sent to you. Sign in with that password, change your password, and then click the button "Renew, Upgrade or Update Billing." You can also click the "History" tab to review your past payments.
If you prefer to pay by check, please send your check made payable to "Clan Forbes Society, Inc." to:
Bart Forbes, Acting Treasurer, Clan Forbes Society, Inc.
131 Saltgrass Avenue, Surfside Beach, Texas, 77541
Please include your full name (for certificate), address, and e-mail address. Thank you!