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August 2020 Gathering Video

If you missed the Zoom Clan Forbes Gathering this past August 29, 2020, you can now watch video recordings our YouTube channel!

Click the graphic to view the video on YouTube.

In part one, the Society sends out the Call of the Clan! Members are welcomed by Leslie Furbish, Vice President for Conveners, who explains the role of conveners and offers some background on her own lineage. Then James (Jim) G. Forbes, II, Vice President for Operations, provides the State of the Society regarding membership, social media, and the 2020 budget. He answers questions from the members.

Click the graphic to view the video on YouTube.

In part two, Clan Forbes Society members Ann Forbes, Jerry Forbes, Dick Forbes, Nancy Forbes, Maggie Foster, Heather Forbes, Lori Caldwell, and Bart Forbes share their photos and memories of Castle Forbes, Druminnor Castle (original Castle Forbes), Craigievar Castle, Corse Castle, Tolquhon Castle, and Corgarff Castle.

Click the graphic to view the video on YouTube.

In part three, Barry Robert (Bart) Forbes, President, facilitates a discussion among the members regarding their common Forbes heritage. Topics include the book "Castles & Mansion Houses of the House of Forbes," the House of Forbes Family Tree project on, articles on the website, the 1990 Society genealogy directory, and more.


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