We hope you’ve been enjoying the information we share on the Clan Society Facebook page and the refurbished Clan Forbes website! Clearly, you are passionate about your heritage, you want to learn more, and you enjoy sharing with other clan members. Why not take the next step and volunteer your time and talents to the Clan Forbes Society? Here are some of the skills we need:
Reporter. Collect and share the photos and news from our Society members. This is a critical way that we connect with members throughout the world! You need to be adept at Photoshopping phots and editing blogs, Facebook posts and Twitter tweets.
Genealogist. Whether you are a professional or amateur, you can be a great help to all clan members who are interested researching their lineage. You need to be familiar with the online services such as Ancestry.com and FamilyTreeDNA, have a basic understanding of researching techniques, and have a desire to help others in their searches.
Researcher. Delve into the fascinating history of House of Forbes! We’ll connect you with our Scottish cousins and link you to other research institutions. You’ll need to have good research skills, a facility for writing and editing, and a passion for your heritage!
Marketer. Your assistance in needed to identify ways to promote the Society, connect with potential members, and represent the Society with other organizations. You should have a basic understanding of direct marketing concepts and techniques, a familiarity with online services, and the ability to get things done!
Membership Manager. Members are the core of the Society – and we need your dedication and commitment to keeping our members happy and engaged! You need to be friendly, meticulous, and enjoy making new friends from around the world!
Organizer. We’ve got some events and tours planned for the next few years and we need experienced event planners to help us! You need to be an experienced Clan Convener, demonstrate some skill in project management, and have a great attention to detail.
Accountant. As the Society grows, so will our finances! While you don’t need to be a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), that certainly wouldn’t hurt! You should be experienced in financial accounting, financial management, and compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP.)
Fundraiser. As a nonprofit organization, we have plans to expand our historical research, improve support for Clan Forbes heritage sites, and provide scholarships. You don’t need to be a Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE), but you should be familiar with IRS regulations, be experienced in foundation support and planned giving, and be passionate about Clan Forbes!
Have we missed something? Do you have a skill or experience that you believe can advance the Society? Let us know! Contact me at president@clan-forbes.org.